Nerd Squared

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Character List

I apologize for taking so long to post the list you've all been waiting for. Catherine and Sarah have been really busy making calls and sending out scripts and forms to everyone involved. I have gotten caught up in all of the excitement myself, and only now am I taking the time to let you all know who gets to play which part in the film. This isn't a complete list; only the Cedar City roles are listed here. There are a few actors who will be filming only in Salt Lake City. (You know who you are.)
Anyway, here's the final list:

AMY: Laura Udave
MARCUS: Matthew Tye Pride
CLAY: Dallin Clark
MRS. LYMAN: Mary Jo Montoya
MATT: David Crowther
NICK: Kyle Brooksby
MR. LANDON: Chad Martin
LACEY: Allison Emery
BREANNE: Loni Barben
ALYSSA: Emily Edwards
KIMBER: Nicole Terry
BAILEE: Hannah Sullivan
JOANNE: Miralva Udave
A.J.: Dustin Naud
KEVIN: Mack Damavandi
LEONARD: Eric M. Liebhardt
CHRIS: Seth Turner
ZACH: Brenan Thompson
DARIN: Deric Ence
CHANDRA: Jessika Bahr
POPPY: Andrea Wood
DAVE: Colby Davis
TRINA: Shaye Maurer
ERICA: Shalece Reeves
TERESA: Julie Montoya
TARA: Whitney Hulet
LISA: Kate Montoya
BULLY: Joshua Dickson
MRS. WHARTON: Brita Brown
MS. JACKSON: Tannis Griffin
SECRETARY: Shiree Roberts
CHESS CLUB: Brandon Terry, Henry Pruett, Alex Terry,
Kyle Frederick, Caroline Brown, Kristalyn Williams
CHEERLEADERS: Cedar High Cheer Squad

If you got a call from Catherine or Sarah and you're not on this list, don't despair! These are just the speaking parts. There are still lots of people who will play students and teachers in classrooms and hallways. I'll be sending out emails to all of you with the specific days that you'll be needed for filming.

Also, everyone is still welcome to come and be an extra high school student on set. Tell your friends and neighbors who are interested to email me, Avis Hart, at Then I can send them all of the necessary information. Thanks!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Audition Update

Thanks to everyone who helped make the Cedar City auditions a success! Sarah and Catherine said they were pleased with the quality of auditioners and the enthusiasm so many of them brought to the project. They expressed regret that they don't have more roles for those who auditioned so well but don't fit any parts. They are reviewing all the audition videos and questionnaires and should be making their final phone calls on Monday.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Audition forms

Every actor or extra in the film will need to fill out an actor release form and questionnaire. Also, those actors and extras who will be younger than 18 as of June 27, 2005 will need to fill out a parental consent form. These forms will be available at the audition on Friday, but we would be happy to email them to you if you'd like to show up with them already filled out. Once again, the email is

Also, we will be having a few auditions on Saturday morning for people who absolutely can't fit the Friday evening one into their schedules. Come to ConfiDance at 10 am on Saturday, May 21st if you are one of these busy people.


The Front Page, Baby!

Hey, check out the article about us in the Wednesday, May 18, 2005 edition of The Spectrum/Daily News. It's on the front page of The Daily News!

Click here to read the article!

Also, we're looking for all age groups at the audition. We're in need of adult actors as well as high-school age actors.

Friday, May 13, 2005


Come audition for (Nerd)^2!
When: Friday, May 20
Time: 4-8 p.m., on a first-come, first-auditioned basis
Where: Confidance Studio, 1055 South Cedar Knolls, Cedar City
Who: Males and females to play high schoolers, teachers, and a smattering of other adult roles.
Why: Why not? This is your shot at stardom, or at least a chance to be part of something really fun.
What to bring: Bring a recent photo (need not be a headshot), and there will be audition forms to fill out, including parental permission if you're under 18. Prepared audition not required. Wear whatever clothes you like.
Should I come if I only want to be an extra? Of course! We'll need lots of willing extras.
Additional information: We hope to have the audition forms available here soon for you to print out and bring to the audition. If you want to audition but won't be available for auditions on May 20, or if you just have any questions, email us at


Friday, May 06, 2005

I Really Shred the Cello

Hey (Nerd)^2 fans!
The long-awaited day has come at last! Filming will officially begin at CHS on June 27, 2005! Filming there is scheduled to end July 6, although it might go to July 8 if there are delays. Tell everyone you know and get prepared to boogie!
If you would like to audition for a small role right now, drop us an email at We still have roles unfilled and we want to find the right people. Don't be afraid; we're nice. Everyone who wants to be in the film can be, regardless of age, gender, or body odor.
Coming Soon: Cedar City audition dates, official T-shirts, parental consent forms, extra applications.